Recently we saw doctor number three. This is the last one. I'm not going for a 4th opinion. The good thing is that.. at least in our city... he's THE guy to go to for a second or third opinion. That's basically all he does... "Complex cases". So that's what we are. A complex case. huh. I feel... that... I have come out of that consultation feeling the right way for the situation we are in. We don't seem to have a great chance. But there are still some options for us. We just have to decide which we take. I think what he managed to do was... to actually help us feel in control. Well maybe it's not him, maybe it's just what we've come to at this point of things. Anyway, I am feeling pretty ok. Not in despair that's for sure. What I take away from it is that--- we don't really know for sure if it's a female factor or male factor, or both, and/or a combination of us just "not working together". (He was loathe to use ...
My pregnancy and child are inexplicably missing. I have no medical explanations for my infertility, it just is.