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coming back from a break

We have just had a little break away from our usual life... (back into it this Monday, eek! ) This last week we gave ourselves permission to just enjoy our break, and decided not to think or talk too much about fertility struggles. I think we did well. We stayed by the beach and were able to watch whales every day just splashing about out there. One day we saw about 40 dolphins, surfing in waves and jumping out of them, just for pure fun. We ate amazingly good seafood, had gelati, and the odd afternoon beer or wine. We tried out surfing, and we didn't do too badly. We went bike riding around the bush near the beach and on the beach too, which was so much fun, and our dog came along with us for the ride, he absolutely loved it. Our little cat finally got out of hospital, and he came with us for the holiday. So in all we had our dog and two cats with us on the break, which did kind of feel like our own little family. For me, there is nothing like being with nature to reconnect to a bigger picture, and remind yourself what a little speck you really are in it all. I find that very comforting. 

So it was a great little get away and we did manage to enjoy ourselves fully. It might be a hard to get back into work today, but we are tough, we'll manage. 

I have absolutely no idea where we are at with our fertility planning. Well, we don't really have a plan. I guess that's what we need to work out next. I'm meeting with a new doctor who is known to be a bit more experimental than my current one who is fairly conventional, though that may not be until next year. At some stage we will meet up with my current doctor to ask a load of questions. I guess we're giving ourselves a little break from this fertility stuff too for now. I'll keep you posted!


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